"She went down in an airplane, fried getting suntanned, fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand, met a shark underwater, fell and no one caught her, caught in a mudslide, eaten by a lion, got run over by a crappy purple Sicon, dried up in the desert, drowned in a hot tub, danced to death at an east side night club..........."
I feel sorry for her. Tragic how her boyfriend fake her death. If I imagine those things happen to you, would it make me a bad bad baaaaad person? Guess not, heheh. It's not that I mean it, just a silly imagination though.
Anyway, lately I kinda felt like left hanging by someone. Don't you just hate being left hanging by the person you really really like? Its like you want to push'em to a cliff or simply punch them right in their face but at the same time you want to be with them like f.o.r.e.v.e.r or 'til death do us apart. Depressing. Believe me, I know.
Well, this guy (you can say) he's not that "sensitive" type of guy. Not that he's easily cry or mad, I mean he doesn't really care about his surrounding. He might consider me as his another friend but I feel different when we talk or when I'm nea him. So I really don't know whether I should felt excited, blushed, act natural, stay calm and pretend its just a wind passing by or go straight to cloud 9 when he said something nice and sweet to me. He does that to most of his girl-friends because that's how he joke around with us.
Once, I was about to tell him the truth. The truth about how I feel for him but I can't. Its just, I don't want to ruin this "perfect" friendship. We probably more happier just being friends rather than being "love birds". But I keep asking myself lately..........
Sister? Friend? Best friend? Special friend? Another girl to play around? Another stranger who accidentally you met?
So, what I want to say right now (and hope you read it) are.........
1. Thank you for being such a good friend 'til now
2. Thank you for left me hanging this whole time (it sucks and btw I'm not a piece of cloth)
3. Thank you for being there when I need the most (as a friend)
4. Thank you for being a good 'brother' (which I actually already had but not going to complain about having another one)
5. Just date another girl will you? Like ASAP!!!!! or at least show me some signs that you like another girl, so I won't feel like this anymore, k?
Last but not least:
FRIENDZONE SUCKS. Who want to stuck in that zone forever? I don't. And just so you know:
Left-hanging-girl out.