
Related to the picture above, yes I feel a little bit lonely. Unaccompany. Solo. It's because I feel like I'm losing all of my friends. They just slowly gaoing away and I'm starting to feel like a hollowman, or in this case......hollow-woman 'cause you know, I'm a woman. Well, not yet a full woman, but........

Anyway, getting down to bussines. I can't take this any longer. Just gonna spill it out here because to be honest, I'm a little afraid to say this to "someone".

First of all.....
Bitch please, why do you hate me? It seems like everything I did always looks wrong in your eyes. You only act "friendly" *and I'm seriously wanted to puke right now* to me when you really urgently need my help. Thank God I'm such a nice person and patient enough to deal with something like you and also loves to help you because they said "Treat others the way you want to be treated". But remember this: I'm not forever going to treat you nicely, savy?. And btw, go fuck yourself! You never treat me the way I treated you, so why should I keep on treating you like a freakin queen and king? I'm not your maid and your not the boss of me. Last time I checked, I wasnt born to pleased you. I mean, yeah you helped me once or twice but the way you helped me......you're not serious about it. Looks like you're just "oh, she needs help. I'll help her. *5 minutes later* aah, she's good on her own, I'll leave her then"..........dafuq???? Is that the way you treated your friend? Are we really friends? Or you only see me as a "person you know but not your friend" get it? Like when you met someone's new and they introduce themself and you're like "oh I know their name, k then I'll leave"..........what the?!?!.

You totally hate it when we blame you everytime you make mistakes and you can't take it when you know you're wrong. But you seriously love it when its time for you to blame others when they make mistakes, and its hard for you to just forgive them. I mean, picture it like this:
A made mistake, and B will talk about A's mistake to other people so other will think bad about A and then they'll talk bad shits about A.
Isn't that the same as bullying? You said you hate bullying for God sake. Such a stubborn person. I think this is one of the reason why your date dumped you.

You're so naive. You said you hate this person but you still hang out with that person. You hate how they behave, but right now.......you totally became one of them. You said you wouldn't do such a thing but you still doing it. You swore to me you'll be here when I'm having my bad times and need someone to share my stories, but guess what........yeah you know what happen. Don't you just want to shove this kind of person ass with a knife, put them in the oven, then push them to bunch of sharks? I would be so happy to do that to you :)

I find it hard to trust you and you seem like you don't give a shit to any of my problems. I thought "friends" suppose to help each other's out, yes?. Whenever I wanted to tell you my problems, you suddenly tell your own problems and didn't give me time to tell mine. I just need 1 freakin minute, literally. Am I invisible to you?

Your ability of easily manipulating others. You do that so you can take advantages from them, and I feel pretty bad for them. I mean poor them, they actually want to be your puppet? Somebody need to open their eyes and guide them to a brighter place, like for real. You do this too so that others believe you were right and they were wrong all the time. Hello!!!!!! Its almost 2013, and rule that said:
      "Rule 1: I'm right and you're wrong. Rule 2: whenever I'm wrong, go back to the first rule"
Is gone. Poof. That is sooooo long ago, okay?

You are so selfish. You always want to win. When others won, you mock them like "OMG, I thought we're friends. Friends suppose to help others, right? Not just win all by themself" It seems like you're planning on taking everybody down to the deepest darkest hole of misery, so when you're down everybody has to go down too. But when your turn to win on something, you go like "OMG I can't believe this, ahahahahaha ohh poor you, hope you win next time" dafuq bitch?! What is wrong with you and your attitude?!

When you're having trouble, you just cry and cry and beg to others to help you out when it seems like you handle it your own. You're such a diva who's trying so hard to get others attention. If you want to get attention, do it the right way, not like this

There are thounsands of reasons why I don't like you. But this post will be so looong. Hope you read this post, get my point.