I ask this question to my girlfriends and most of them felt like this before. so what i ask them is:
"Do you ever feel like you really like this boy since day 1 you meet him but you can never tell if he likes you too or not. you wanted to say it like a billion times but you're too afraid it might ruin your friendship but this feeling hautns you every second, every minute, every hour. and you always think about it everytime you want to go to sleep and when you wake up, and not once or two times you cry in the middle of the night thinking about it. and on top of that, you haven't seen him lately because you're like thousand miles away from him. and now you rarely talk to him via email/twitter/anything else, you don't know what happen to him lately or did he ever think to talk to you again or is there any girl in his life now"
have you ever feel like that?
have you ever feel like that?
like SERIOUSLY i want to stop thinking about it, erase it if i have to but i can't. Guess this is what they say "teenage problem". hate being a teenager right now. don't you?
*p.s: to you out there who might never understand what i feel right now, just want to say this. i know its selfish and i'm not suppose to say (or even think about) it but.............
Taylor swift - Enchanted