

You totally need to hear this song like ASAP.

Invisible - Skylar Grey

This song is almost the same like my own life-story. well except in this song she wants to be thin, dyed her hair and cut her own skin (YUCKKKK). But i'm already thin, I don't want to dye my hair and totally not interested in "cutting off my skin". That's just............EWHHHHH.
But the point of the song is almost the same. Its what I feel right now.

These lyrics gets my attention since the first time I hear it

I believe most of you felt this way before. I did too, especially since I become a teenage girl. It sucks, I know. Sometimes you just want to be someone else or you'll do anything to make yourself perfect. But as i read a quuote on twitter "if you want a perfect girlfriend, go buy yourself a barbie." That's prove that there's no such thing as a "perfect" person in this world. What makes us perfect is our imperfection. We just have to believe in ourself that we're perfect. Don't try so hard to make you look good. We have to thankful to God. His creation is perfect, especially human.


Ever feel it before?

I ask this question to my girlfriends and most of them felt like this before. so what i ask them is:

"Do you ever feel like you really like this boy since day 1 you meet him but you can never tell if he likes you too or not. you wanted to say it like a billion times but you're too afraid it might ruin your friendship but this feeling hautns you every second, every minute, every hour. and you always think about it everytime you want to go to sleep and when you wake up, and not once or two times you cry in the middle of the night thinking about it. and on top of that, you haven't seen him lately because you're like thousand miles away from him. and now you rarely talk to him via email/twitter/anything else, you don't know what happen to him lately or did he ever think to talk to you again or is there any girl in his life now"
have you ever feel like that?

like SERIOUSLY i want to stop thinking about it, erase it if i have to but i can't. Guess this is what they say "teenage problem". hate being a teenager right now. don't you?

*p.s: to you out there who might never understand what i feel right now, just want to say this. i know its selfish  and i'm not suppose to say (or even think about) it but.............

Taylor swift - Enchanted


Does story like this can happen in real life?

Do you have that 1 best guy friend who knew you since you're still 3/5 years old and you always tell him story about your crush and you never realize how much he's in pain inside everytime you tell that to him over and over again until one day when you're a teenager (lets say.....15 years old), and he confess to you that he likes you since the first time you meet each other and both of you end up together like those kids on the movie? How does it feel? Cause to be honest I would like to feel something like that.
Since I was a kid, I've never had 1 best guy friend in my life. All I had was 1 best girl friend.
I don't remember if I had one in kindergarten, what I do remember was I never had it in elementary school. Well maybe I do have one but I never tell him story about my crush, because you know I'm still a kid, still blind about "love" thingy (and still do until this very moment). In junior high..............I had one but then that's it, I'm senior high now end we rarely meet/chat each other again. Beside he has a girlfriend. In senior high? Well let's say I'm still working on it. I have 1 close (guy) friend. But I'm not sure if we're going to end up like that. I can't imagine it and WON'T imagine it. Too damn scary I guess.
Let's face it, I'm only gonna have best girlfriend in my life. And right now, we're almot lostcontact too. How sad huh :(.

Advice to all girl out there (whether you want to follow a 15 year old girl advice/not, its up to you):

Choose one best guy friend that you really trust (if you can get a cute, handsome, smart, cool one that even better) and who knows? Maybe you could be like the girl whom I talked before. Then you can tell your story to your children and your children will tell it to your grandchildren and to your grandgrandchildren and so on.

Its just you're in a movie where you be the main character