Thanks again to my friends
I just wanna say "Thanks" to Anjani and Tirza. They've been help me with my blog header. As you can see that picure created by Anjani while the coloring part is Tirza's. so good job guys, love you so much *smooch, muachmuach* hahah.
you guys still remeber the words "dear diary" right? well i know its kinda old words, but now my lovely english teacher mrs. Lilia give us an assigment to write a diary. i mean, come on a diary? could you just visit my blog and read it? its kinda my own diary.
anyway, mrs. Lilia give us 2 choices:
It's easy-it's simple-and no one in my school will read it because mrs. Lilia wont show it to anybody, right? right miss? RIGHT HUH?!?!?!.
anyway, mrs. Lilia give us 2 choices:
- we submit the diary every week by using the real diary book with "cute little lock" that shape like a heart *okay, i'm just adding the last part
- we submit the diary every week by sending it to her email
It's easy-it's simple-and no one in my school will read it because mrs. Lilia wont show it to anybody, right? right miss? RIGHT HUH?!?!?!.
Showing off an award from anjani
Remember about an award that anjani made for me? well right now i'm just gonna show it off again, ha-ha. dont be jealous kay?
so this is it, orange blog award ala Anjani Maladewi *so sorry farah, i;m borrowing your line*
see? how nice she (or he) is.
this is what i like from this award (and i quote):
"orange award! for simplest blog, freshest and nice blog arrangement!"
*wait for it*
"orange award for... DEVA!
her blog http://iniblognyadeva.blogspot.com so simple and i like to read it because... yeah her blogging aura is very... very 'deva' -_-"
so this is it, orange blog award ala Anjani Maladewi *so sorry farah, i;m borrowing your line*
see? how nice she (or he) is.
this is what i like from this award (and i quote):
"orange award! for simplest blog, freshest and nice blog arrangement!"
*wait for it*
"orange award for... DEVA!
her blog http://iniblognyadeva.blogspot.com so simple and i like to read it because... yeah her blogging aura is very... very 'deva' -_-"
ooh, i was very happy, i almost cry when i saw this *well not really hahah*
bottom line is, i want to thank jani for giving me this award. i'm never expecting something like this. i mean i still think that my blog is well...............kinda you know lah.
hahah, thank you so much jan, let me give you hugs and kisses again :* ;)
Lots of Hugs and Kisses for Anjani
few minutes ago, when i'm checking mentions on my twitter, anjani post something like this "for @aaadhisty and @rherhedeva, check out my blog! you two just received some awards. for another bloggers, i will add another awards soon!"
then, i check out to jani's blog and...........voila she's telling the truth. AAAWH I'M SO HAPPY I JUST WANNA HUG HER AND KISS HER (or him, well still a big mystery). Anyway, read this ASAP!!!!!!!!
then, i check out to jani's blog and...........voila she's telling the truth. AAAWH I'M SO HAPPY I JUST WANNA HUG HER AND KISS HER (or him, well still a big mystery). Anyway, read this ASAP!!!!!!!!
Inception a.k.a film pengasah otak
Sakit hati bener-bener sakit hati nonton film ini:

masalahnya gue masih ga ngerti alur, maksud dan tujuan dari cerita ini. Stress berat sumpah, ngobrol bentar bahkan nengok sedikit aja itu bakalan ketinggalan. AAAARGGGHHH.
Gue tuh sama temen-temen sampe stres nontonnya. nonton film ini tuh butuh konsentrasi tingkat tinggi.
Gue inget banget, ga berapa lama setelah nonton film ini, di E! Channel tayangin "BTS: Inception". disitu tuh leonardo di caprio (pemeran utamanya) diwawancara. dia bilang "film ini emang dibuat sedemikian rupa agar penonton bisa berfikir dan akhirannya ga mudah ditebak layaknya film-film lain". Pas gue denger itu, kalimat yg terlintas diotak gue adalah:
Sip, udh selesai cemooh, si pembawa acara tuh bilang kalau "leonardo si caprio salah satu pemain film yang sangat sulit untuk diajak berperan dalam sebuah film. dia hanya semangat kalau bermain di film yang nantinya akan banyak yang nonton dan juga budgetnya tinggi"
Matre banget ga tuh? ihhh gila.
Selama beberapa hari setelah gue nonton inception, gue sama tata sama megan punya pikiran yang sama: "pokoknya harus nonton lagi dan kali ini harus bener-bener serius, gaboleh ketawa ketawa gajelas -_-"
and you know what? sampe sekarang kita belom sempet nonton lagi, karna apa?
1. kalo hari sabtu minggu harganya mahal (maklum, kantong pelajar)
2. hari biasa banyak tugas, banyak les
3. knp ga beli dvd bajakan? naaaah, say no to piracy!!!
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