
Quotes and so

"A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth"
-Barney Stinson

"If loving you with all my heart is a crime, then I'm guilty"

"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her."

"The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else"

"If I has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU"
-Dani B

We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find"

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be"

"I laugh, I love, I hope, I try I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you"
-Colin Raye
"The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe"
-Dorothy Rothschild Parker

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend"
-Albert Camus

"May the sun always shine on your windowpane, may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain, may the hand of a friend always be near you, may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you"
-Irish Blessing

"Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend"

"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop"

"I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind"

"They say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices But I'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be love by you"

"I dont know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every part of my body is broken too"
-Chloe Woodward
"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in"

"It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures"
-Vincent Van Gogh

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder"
-William Shakespeare

"Can I go forward when my heart is here? Turn back, dull earth, and find thy centre out"

"Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo? Forget about your father and change your name. Or else, if you won’t change your name, just swear you love me and I’ll stop being a Capulet"

"I’d give anything to keep them from seeing you here"

"The darkness will hide me from them. And if you don’t love me, let them find me here. I’d rather they killed me than have to live without your love"

"maybe I'm too young to fall in love, but I'm also too old to ask 'how to love a boy'. It seems everything is wrong"
-Owner of this blog

Romeo and Juliet

Tau shakespeare kan? kalo gatau mending googling detik ini juga.
sedikit posting tentang shakespeare, karya terkenal dia itu diantaranya hamlet, macbeth, romeo and juliet (itu yang gue tau). Tapi kayaknya yang bener bener terkenal itu romeo and juliet, kisah sepasang kekasih yang terhalang karena kedua keluarganya (bahasanya tua banget ya? hahah)

oke, ini diawali karena gue ga bisa tidur jadi iseng googling tentang "romeo and juliet". Jujur gue sendiri belom nonton filmnya, cuma denger denger doang dari temen temen dan para sesepuh jaman dulu (kasian banget). Makanya sampe sekarang gue penasaran sama ceritanya. Kata siapa tau kalo mau nonton yang pemerannya leonardo dicaprio aja kalo yang lain agak gimana gitu.
yang pertama terlintas "lu nonton itu gara gara ada leonardonya apa gimana tuh............?"

emm karena gue terlalu males ceritain, mending liat disini aja yak, kalo mau pake yang bahasa indonesia disini. Ohya, yang ini scriptnya, kalo ga ngerti bahasa inggris kuno disampingnya ada inggris modern terus kalo ini katanya prolognya, gatau iya apa gak soalnya belom nonton jadi kalo salah jangan salahkan saya, hahahahha

penasaran kenapa dia pake sayap (akibat belom nonton)


just copy from my exam

once upon a time, there was a poor farm worker in China. One day he had no rice to eat and decided to ask his landlord for some. Therefore, he killed one of his ducks and give it to the landlord as a present.
Ther lanlord recieved the present and thanked the far worker. The landlord couldn't divide the duck fairly, so he asked the farmer "how can I divide the duck equally? I have a wife, To sons and two daughters"
The farm worker took his knife and cut off the head of the duck. "This is for you" he said, "because you're the head of the family.
Then he cut off the two legs and gave one to each of the landlord sons. "These are for you" he said " because you will follow your father's footsteps".
Next he cut off the two wings and gave one to each of the daughters. "These are for you" he said "because you will fly away and marry someone"
The last, he cut off the heart of the duck and gave it to the landlord wife. "This is for you my lady" he said "as you are the heart of the family.
Finally he took the rest for himself. The landlors was very happy andgave the farm worker rice and money as well.


Anak-anak CLOSET bersihin kelas???? sungguh suatu keajaiban

sebelumnya gue udah cerita belom sih betapa malesnya anak-anak di kelas gue? udah belom? belom yak? okedeh gue cerita dikit, jangan ngantuk, jangan ketawa lebar-lebar takut hal yang tidak diinginkan masuk (hmmm).

Oke jadi kelas gue tuh rata-rata anak-anaknya pada males banget (termasuk gue -__-), disuruh apa-apa tuh mesti dibilangin sampe berapa kali gitu. Sampe kemaren kalo gasalah pas ulangan IPA, guru seni gue bilang "diantara semua kelas 8 angkatan kali, kelas ini paling ga pedulian sama tugas yang dikasih loh". Terbukti jelas kalo kemalesan kelas gue ini sudah sampai ke topik perbincangan para guru. Mungkin kalo lagi pada istirahat ato rapat tuh yang dibicarain kelas gue terus, maklum kelas terkenal, blacklist gitu (kalimat ini sering keluar dari beberapa mulut warga kelas gue)

"kita kan CLOSET" itu kalimat yang paling sering (bahkan tiap hari) keluar dari mulut warga kelas kalo ada yang cemooh ato bilang sesuatu yang "agak" merendahkan kelas.

*back to main topic* jadi hari ini kita kedatangan tamu dadakan dari sekolah mana gitu, lupa. Mereka mau ngeliat kelas-kelas RSBI. Nah pas abis selesai ujian TIK, bu lilia (wali kelas) ga ijinin kita pulang dulu sekelas. Gue udah panik aja tuh takutnya itu berhubungan sama nilai raport, taunya kita ditahan gara-gara ada tamu itu.

Terus akhirnya bu lilia nyuruh kita beres beres kelas, biar ga malu-maluin (maklum, kelas gue rada rada "berantakan, namanya juga CLOSET *keluar lagi kan kalimat itu*)

Awalnya gue pikir "ah palingan juga anak anak cowo pada kabur ke kantin, yang beres beres malah anak cewe. TERNYATA EH TERNYATA, pas gue balik ke kelas *abis dari meja piket* yang beresin kelas tuh...........ANAK COWO. disitu gue terpana, kagum. Itu suatu keajaiban banget.

Dibelakang kelas tuh ada nopal, rio, rama, ilham dan anak cowo lainnya yang ngepel. awalnya emang anak cewe yang nyapu (tapi ada cowo juga yg bantuin nyapu). Terus gue liat pakde tuh sibuk nyari wipol. OHHHH IT'S SO AMAZING......

karna gue ga ada kerjaan (baca: males), akhirnya gue cuma liatin mereka ngepel kelas sambil putu-putu ahahaha, nih fotonya (maaf kalo agak ancur):

terlihat jelas bahwa pakde (dimas) sudah terbiasa ngepel sewaktu jaman jepang (anak ini suka sama sejarah jepang)

rio itu sebenernya salah satu anak yang paling males, tapi gatau kesambet apaan dia jadi rajin banget. AMAZING

LIHAT!!!!! ketua kelas kita (nopal) sampe ikut turun tangan

Udah selesai bersih-bersih, tamunya kan dateng tuh. Kirain bakalan masuk ke kelas, liat liat sampe ke belakang, taunya cuma didepan pintu, ngintip dikit, udah selesai, pulang.

That's all for now. Dont know what to say, oh ya, I just wanna say..........BYE :)

*ps: mungkin pikiran anak anak sekelas pada sama ----> "ah palingan juga besok kotor lagi". Kita buktikan saja besok.


It's my class, your class, our class, It's CLOSET

SAMLEKUM READERS *oke maap ga nyante*

ehem so 123....... gue kan udah mau naek kelas nih, ke kelas 3 *huhuyeah senior time* dan semoga aja naek AMIIIN, yah sekarang mau cerita cerita dikitlah tentang CLOSET (Class Of Sbi Eight Two), hey its my class I mean your class emm wait I mean our class, yeah its OUR CLASS

awalnya masuk kelas 82 sbi gue masih ngumpulnya sama anak anak yang dulu pas kelas 7 sekelas sama gue tapi lama kelamaan mulai baur lah.

dulu tuh ya gue palingan kalo ngobrol dikelas sama sari, fanny, nisa, shafira (pokoknya yang dulu pas kelsa 7 sekelas), trus udah jalan 2 bulan kira kira mulai maen sama yang laen, uhuhuh seru banget.

trus trus gatau kenapa sekarang "rada" deket sama tata, jani, tirza gitu gitu, anak cowonya juga. Yang tadinya tuh ga suka ngobrol bareng tanpa disadari dan diketahui akibatnya kenapa jadi ngobrol bareng.

ohh ya awal mulanya nama kelas jadi CLOSET.
ehem jadi tuh pas ultahnya tata *inget banget* kan lagi duduk duduk gitu gajelas, ngobrol-ngobrol tiba tiba siapa gitu nanya "eh kita bikin nama kelas dong, apaan nih?" trus pada mikirkan dan ga berapa lama jani sama tirza tuh mencetuskan nama "CLOSET". Awalnya kan pada gasetuju udah gitu dikatain katain gitu namanya

eh gataunya sekelas malah setuju tapi melewati banyak pergunjingan gitu. Terus ga berapa lama kelas 83 sama 81 juga bikin nama kelas, 83 tuh namanya MAZECLETS, terus kalo 81 kalo ga salah namanya CAFFEINE.

sebenernya angkatan gue bisa disebut "triple C" tuh, soalnya kan depannya C semua -___-

terus apalagi ya? oh iya, pas hari apa gitu gue liat tweetnya tiva (81) kayak gini: "knp tiap naek kls baru kerasa deketnya 3 bln sebelum naek kelas--". Bener juga sih, kita kerasa deket bener bener deket tuh beberapa bulan sebelum naek kelas.

uowh kelas 3 ga bisa ngebayangin ga sekelas sama semua anak CLOSET, gimana jadinya???
CLOSET tuh (menurut gue) kelas paling enak *maksudnya anak anaknya*, udah gitu semua karakter masuk dan ngumpul jadi 1 dikelas yang sering berbau aneh, kotor --", dan kedatangan banyak tamu mulai dari serangga sampai binatang aneh.


Little bit meaning about LOVE

Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, difficult, imaginary, thought-provoking, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and undefinable. Perhaps.

but, in other ways:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly

Love is a bond or connection between two people that results in trust, intimacy and an interdependence that enhances both partners.

Love is the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you

Love is comforting someone in need of Love and having them know that somebody cares.

Love is loving someone without expecting anything in return, no judgments, no restrictions, no limitations, no expectations!

Love has no meaning other than the meaning "we" give it

To demonstrate Love. . . say, "I Love you" *outloud*, at least once each day to someone you love. There is magic in these three little words. Saying "I love you" is the most beautiful gift you can give to your partner. These words are the most treasured a person can hear. To be different, say "I Love you" in a foreign language

such as:

Ek is lief vir jou/Ek het jou lief - Afrikaans

Obicham te - Bulgarian

wo ai ni/Wo ie ni - Chinese

Ik hou van jou - Dutch

Anna bahebek - Egyptian

Je t'aime - French

Ich liebe dich - German

Ti amo - Italian

and many more

(via http://www.celebratelove.com/whatislove.htm and
